Finishing off the #GlobalMay – from May 31st to June 1st – Blockupy Frankfurt is happening for the second year running, taking aim at the heart of EU Austerity policies: the European Central Bank (ECB). Alongside the European Commission and the International Monetary Fund, the ECB is central to the Troika and the harsh measures attached to European bailout packages. So we're going to shut it down! 31St will be blocking the ECB and the 1st will be a mass demonstration through the financial district of Frankfurt. For more information on the activities of the day, logistics, accommodation and other details, see their website http://blockupy-frankfurt.org/ - although only in German and English. For a European Spring hopes to have as many details on its site soon.
Groups from across Europe are mobilising for it, aiming to be there a day before on Thursday 30th June. See the international call here http://interoccupy.net/blog/international-call-to-participate-in-blockupy-2013-in-frankfurt-may-30th-to-june-1st-and-other-struggles-against-the-troika/
Latest Info
This year, Blockupy will have it´s own campsite. After what was experienced in 2012, we wanted to create a safe place for discussion, preparation and relaxation after action. This camp is the political and social “meeting-point” for Blockupy 2013. The camp is now finalised. For full information on getting there/catering/childcare/logistics etc., see here. For a full programme of the camp's activities, see here (or look at the graphic below)
..with blockades and actions of civil disobedience on Friday, 31st of May, at the European Central Bank, the bank district, at the shopping district Zeil and at the deportation airport.
…with a demonstration on Saturday, June 1st, starting at 11:00 AM at Baseler Platz. The demonstration ends at the European Central Bank (Willi-Brand-Platz) with a short rally and assamblies about the future of resistance.
…with the opening of an anticapitalist camp at the Rebstock area on Wednesday, May 29th. The installation of the campsite and the starting events will begin from May 27th.
…during the whole week there will be a multifaceted political and cultural program.
Click here for a short, temporary overview of the events and actions planed (or look at the graphic below). Everybody is invited to participate, organize and unfold own activities. Everywhere, especially in the camp we are looking for helping hands. And the actions of civil disobedience depend on the creative ideas of small and bigger groups. Blockupy lives from self-organization and the coaction of the different initiatives in the social movement.
People will be heading to Frankfurt in their thousands, including by bus, car, and train. Here in Belgium we are exploring all options. Car share sites like covoiturage have people making the trip. By bus, many of the trade unions are sending busses, so if you are a member ask them. The train is more complicated if you want to get the cheapest deal. Travelling in groups of 5 (you get a special discount), it's cheapest to split the journey up by changing trains - getting to the border with Germany and catching a local train over the border to Aachen, and then a fast train again to Frankfurt. Look at either SNCB (Belgian) or Deutsche Bahn (German) websites.